martes, 10 de mayo de 2011


1. How can we create an ethical relationship between religion and business so that they may cooperate towards a more sustainable and respectful development of life?

A way of creating an ethical relationship between religion and business can be through the establishment of values and model or patterns of behavior while we are being taught the art of business and professional life, including the ethical standers from the family.  At the same time, the establishment of “trust” and “respect” among the different people we would be working with can also help to create and build this relationship.

2. Can you imagine a world without religion where everyone would be trying to get immediate satisfaction to their individual needs?

No, in my personal opinion and experience religion is something that has been always an important and mayor component of human history; at the same time the faith or belief about a superior or divine power (force) is vital for human existence, regardless its name is God, Ahla, or Maoma. Its part of what men is, his nature and been.

3. Religion can create networks of trust and familiarity that facilitates economic transactions. Can you name other positive aspects of this relationship?

Apart from this advantage, religion is an interesting element from which we can create healthy and interesting networks than can become profitable; another example can be the way in which certain religions such as the Judaism or Muslims act in almost every activity according to their precepts and religious parameters; the way they negotiate, they do business in general, they get married, and they are taught and raised are some examples just to mention some.

4. Do you think that stereotyping based on religion has been influenced by economical or political interests, why, whose? What is the role of The Media in this issue?
Media has been a major element on the change of the perception about religion, because with all its power, she has shown all the realities, good or bad, that each one has; at the same time this element (the Media) has the power and ability to publish and release the information according to its “personal” point of view or perception, what can be dangerous and create misperceptions and wrong stereotyping. 


When we define what a virtual team means, a lot of words or definitions can come to us in order to choose the appropriate and truly ones. For example a good definition that I found on the internet sees: “is a group of individuals who work across time, space and organizational boundaries with links strengthened by webs of communication technology.”[1]

“Virtual Teams”. Retrieved on May 01 2011 from:

What I found interesting about this concept is that in my opinion, is a great and useful globalization consequence, because due to the increasing business relationships among companies from different countries and interdependence in general among the nations, this way of working and doing business allows this success and important movement to grow and increase its use. At the same time, allows the companies worldwide to work with professional and relevant people that before could be much harder because of the time issues, money, traveling barriers as for example visa; among many other benefits.

“Virtual Teams”. Retrieved on May 01 2011, from:

Also is important to recognize that this model can be used in almost each one of the different industries that exist worldwide, what gives it much more thumbs up!!!!!! In my own concept is a great movement that can gives your company a lot of benefits, but the mayor one is that is able to help you open the doors of the world for you. 

“Internet”. Retreived on May 01 2011, from:

[1] “Virtual Teams”. Retrieved on May 01, 2011 from:


Which ones are the main Cultural Differences in Non-verbal Communication?

A way to define non verbal communication can be “nonverbal communication involves those nonverbal stimuli in a communication setting that are generated by both the source [speaker] and his or her use of the environment and that have potential message value for the source or receiver [listener].   Basically it is sending and receiving messages in a variety of ways without the use of verbal codes (words).  It is both intentional and unintentional.  Most speakers / listeners are not conscious of this”[1]. And if we add to this fact the globalization influence, a cultural factor will become an importer tool or issue to analyze.

“Non-verbal Communication”. Retrieved on April 12th 2011, from:

The posture, the gestures, the touch, the facial expressions, the body movement, and the way in which we are dressed, among others can be important elements to be taken into account at the moment we, as world citizens and business people, interact with other cultures, resulting in a successful and respectful encounter or in an disrespectful and uncomfortable situation for both sides.

“Non-verbal Communication”. Retreived on April 12th 2011, from:

[1] “NON VERBAL COMMUNICATION”. Retreived on April 11th 2011, from:


On April 29th 2011, one of the most important and anticipated events of the year will take place on Westminster Abbey, London.  I´m talking about the royal wedding of Prince William and his long-time girlfriend Kate Middleton, which was announced at the end of last year…

“Kate and William” Retrieved on April 05, 2011 From:

Since the moment the engagement was announced on November 16th, 2010, the entire world focus its eyes on Great Britain future king and queen, what represents tangible impact on the British economy as well the tourism, political landscape and fashion world, a shown of this matter is the amount of souvenirs and object like mugs, china and stampedes that have been launched in the British streets.


“Kate and William mugs” Retrieved on April 05, 2011 from:

It is expected than more than a billion TV viewers will watch the wedding. A media competition begun since the engagement was announced, were the most important channels such as Discovery Channel and the BBC of London, just to mention some,  are willing to complete to be able to broadcast live and worldwide the event of the year, in a 24-hour special coverage.  

What has been happening since last year shows the importance of this organization worldwide, in different scenarios, regardless we are in 21th century. The relevance in my opinion of such an event is a demonstration of how big, “powerful”, regardless its mayor role is being the head of the Anglicans church among the commonwealth, and important is this monarchy worldwide, taking into account that we live in a “democratic” world, were just a little amount of places have their own queen and king, and if they do, is not worldwide issue or matter. Romanticism?????? Maybe…Let’s see what really will happen that day…

“The British Monarchy” Retrieved on April 05, 2011 from:

At the same time is about the way we as the people see and understand the British monarchy, because I consider that is one of the most important organizations worldwide, one of the oldest and powerful, taking into account that it is related with approximately each one and all the countries in europe, and maintain relation with almost the entire world, regardless their location, history, government, ideals, and culture; and it works just like what it really is: an ORGANIZATION

“The Royal Familiy” Retrieved on April 05, 2011 from:


 When a conflict happens in our lives, regardless if it is in our work or in our home there is something to be done, because in my personal opinion, conflict brings a bad energy environment and that is an effect or company that I don’t like at all.

At the moment you stop and analyze what is happening, you start to figure out ways to end this particular situation, in other words, which actions can be done in order to move on and start all over again, with a gift for you, learning a new life lesson.

“managing conflict with your beloved ones”. Retreived on April 01 2011,  from:

Accommodating and don’t bothering on doing something can be a solution, but also trying to mediate and reconcile is a nice idea in order to collaborate, when you sat down with the other(s) to chat and discuss what happened and how things can get better, both can be compromising their own will in order to solve the conflict; or when you are hurt because of what have happened, rage feelings are on your mind as for example competing with the other to win him/her/them the point or just starting to accommodate yourself in the situation as an intent to move on from this situation.

So my point goes with a simple argument or point of view, it is about that when dealing with a conflict, you should analyze carefully the entire situation: what really happened, if it was your fault or the other(s), what can be done in order to resolve the situation and move on, in which you must be very intelligent because some of the thing or strategies to be used can be much more successful applied on the personal environment that the work environment, because the relations among the different parties involved on the situation can determine a better way of resolving thing in order to achieve the best outcome possible, and also the best one for you.

“Managing Conflict” Retreived on April 01, 2011 from:

lunes, 28 de febrero de 2011


How does followers should react when they do not agree with their manager’s directions?
Leadership represents the power or ability a manager or person has in order to guide a group of followers or members of his/her crew or department. In the moment we are analyzing and understanding what leadership means, we should be aware of the huge difference that exist between being a leader and being a manager.
When we are working in a certain company, we are supposed to be guided by a boss, or manager, and in the majority of the cases, he/she is going to be responsible for giving us the direction and parameters as its employees.  When in a situation like this, that happens quite often in all the business around the world, the followers or employees don´t agree with the manager’s directions, something can be done in order to control the situation the best way possible.

As employees, the situation should be managed based on respect, because in my opinion you can express all what we feel and think in a respectful and polite way, regardless if is agreeing or disagreeing; and after facing you manager in an adequate manner, exposing all your reasons and concerns, your opinion and point of view, the outcome should be positive for both, because at least all the facts are exposed.

Ways to React. Retrieved on February 28, 2011 from:                     


1.       What does the statement “all capitalism is crony capitalism” is referring to? Do you agree with this statement or not? Give an example.
The statement “all capitalism is crony capitalism” is referring to the fact that shows that sometimes the success of a company relies on the state or government and not to the free market, all the benefits that are born with this relation, and the way in which these benefits can influence on the market.
In my opinion, I truly agree with this statement because this is how things really work in this globalized world.  The governments in order to achieve their objectives and what they want, thru history have created a strong relationship among them and the entrepreneurs and industrial scenario, because is a relationship that carry benefits for everyone, it’s a win/win situation; it’s a situation that can be seen every day in every country.
2.       What is a Banana Republic? Why the author is comparing India with a Banana Republic?
“Banana Republic” means a country that is highly dependent on the agricultural sector and also highly corrupted, what allows the poor get poorer and the rich richer. The author compares India with a banana republic, because he realizes that if the country continues being the way it is nowadays, that much cronyism, it would end up being much more unstable that what it is actually.
3.       Why is it problematic that in the business world “The Media” becomes a corporation?
Media is extremely powerful, and if it continues advancing through becoming a corporation, the result would be a much more powerful entity; that can highly damage or benefit some one or another; depending the side it takes: attacking/destroying or helping/benefiting.
4.       In this situation, what behaviors are considered unethical for corporations, journalist and the state?
-Corruption: “relations” between high officials, politicians and commanders, and the important corporations in the country.
-Journalist: being able to do what it’s needed in order to achieve their objective; regardless if is something not correct; the news and information they present or discover regardless their consequences.
-State: having preferences with certain corporations/organizations, set objectives that can benefit just a little portion of the country meanwhile the others are suffering.
5. What can The Media, Corporations and the States do in order to behave ethically and in the benefit of the people and not their own interest. Give at least 5 good ideas.  
-The State should act, think and work for the common welfare, for the community needs.
-The Media should be aware of the consequences, and also being able to realize how much good they can do for the community.
-The State should pursue corruption with all its efforts
-Corporations should work harder for their social responsibility and the community they affect, in order to help them develop as much as possible and promote their welfare.
-Media should assume as much as possible and regular a neutral approach over the news and situations they informed about.


How can we ensure corporations are held accountable for their actions “ethically” and “legally”?

We as citizens of the world, in this globalize earth, can ensure corporations are held accountable for their ethical and legal actions through previews education, in order to create conscience and patters of appropriate behavior; also with the help of the governments around the world, in order to be much more harder and aware of corporate actions, because in my opinion their flexibility allows these giant to do what they want, regardless the effect the community and society is going to suffer.
Should individuals (directors, employees, shareholders) bear any responsibility for the actions of a corporation? If so, to what degree?
A corporation can be defined as an organization that works or functions under a common purpose: gain large and sustainable profits or as a large group of individuals that work together under a common objective: make more and more money. In the United States, the corporations started as an association of people named by the state in order to do or accomplish a certain task, that represents public trust, but with time and industrialization, this whole idea stated changing and becomes a public person, but at the end a LEGAL PERSON able to buy, sell and demand, just a member of society, with all men right and all this statement can include.
When we start to analyze the responsibility in general context of the corporations, we realize there are millions of opinions and points of view addressing this certain issue. In the documental The Corporation, we are able to see and identify a lot of cases that can be used as a guide to conclude or formulate our opinion about who´s supposed to be responsible for the corporation actions.
In my opinion, the CEO´s or the general managers, the ones uncharged of tacking the important decisions, are responsible for the consequences that the company actions can produce or create, regardless if they are good or bad for the environment and society, because they are the ones that put on track and gave life to that Legal Person that the corporation is.  In other words, the higher the position in the company, the higher the level of responsibility you have on its actions, regardless if they are good or bad.
What are the benefits of the corporate form? Could an alternative model offer these as well?
In order to identify the different benefits that the corporate form can bring, we should be aware that this form bring with it nice and not so nice effects or outcomes. A positive benefit is that when you are in a bigger and important group, you are not alone, what gives you power in order to act and decide according to your own interest, you gain profits, so you are wealthy, and these benefits involve the different effects that you with your decisions may cause on the community or society you are in, as for example development, growth, advance technologies and opportunities, but also environmental damage, for example in a negative way.
Search for a foreign multinational corporation that has operations in Colombia. Research if they are run under Colombian rules or regulations or if they have special regulations?
UNILEVER is a multinational corporation that has worldwide presence covering almost 400 brands in 14 different categories. According to their official web site, they are ruled by the Code of Business Principles which describes the operational standards that everyone that works for Unilever must (follow) wherever they are in the world. This Code also supports the company approach with the governments and the corporate responsibility.
Unilever. Retreived on February 2001 from:

Should economic efficiency (Main argument for privatization) be the primary concern for commons and public services? Are there other criteria to determine who should own or operate them?
According to the moment we are living right know in terms of interdependence and globalization, in my opinion the economic efficiency can be consider as the primary concern for common and public services, because consumers and customers everywhere are wanting the lowest price possible, buy with the best quality; but at the same time, education, health, growth, environment, societies welfare and development can also be as important and determinants to be taken into account.

The corporation. Retrieved on February 2011 from:

MORE INFO ABOUT THE CORPORATION: (Big Picture Media Corporation, 2003-2001)


Is economic retribution enough to motivate employees?
Motivation can be defined as the mix of internal and external elements that shows the energy and desire people has in order to improve something or to continue committed to their job, position, role or just with something special and important in their lives.
When we in our company are facing a motivation process towards an employee we should be aware that the economic factor isn´t the only one that matters and that can make a difference. For example, we can see a situation in which the employee isn´t motivated because he feels that he isn´t being treated in the correct way, because he doesn´t like his job or tasks, because he has personal problems, just to mention some. So in these cases, the economic retribution won’t make a notorious difference on the worker encouraging process.

The annual parties, a bonus when there is a great development or result in the company, the employees’ recognition programs, among other can work for the situation in which the money isn´t the responsible for the lack of motivation.
Regardless what Smith and Taylor said in their theories human beings aren´t only interested on money, and as a result of these statement we are able to totally conclude that the economic retribution isn’t enough to motivate employees.


Is it possible to change employee’s attitudes at work?
When we analyze attitudes and values we are able to see the relationship that exists among these concepts and the corporative environment. At the same time we can realize the mayor part or the enormous influence that these elements can have in the workers development of its task.
When in the company we are facing an “attitude” situation there is something that can be done by the managers in order to change what is going on, and achieve a better development of the work and the company in general. So through different strategies we can persuade and motivate the employee to correct his or her conduct/attitude.
With elements such as expertise, persuasive speaking from interesting people, attractiveness strategies, reasons, and feelings, just to mention some, we as managers are able to start a process aimed to change our worker attitude or behavior towards the organization or a special task.
By making a change on our worker attitude we are making something important for the company, because as managers or coworkers we aren´t only responsible for the given tasks, we are responsible for the well development of the business; because if the company is OK we´ll be OK and keep our job safe.

Attitudes at work. Retrieved on February 05, 2011 from :                                                                         

I LIKED..........

When l found out this blog, l saw interesting pictures, writings and much more stuff  that allowed me to see myself, or part of me, reflected on it. In the first place, because of fashion, my passion, and then all the different elements such as design, pictures, illustration and more that were important tools on the blog.
It’s a space that shows trends in terms of fashion, real people and information in general that can be interesting or useful for someone like me that is interested on big fashion universe, and all what it covers, serving as a source of inspiration.
My favorite part is the daily quote, what shows me that is actualized continuously.
A piece of paper beside the bed. Retrieved on January 24 2011, form:

On this blog I found interesting information of fashion and NYC, my favorite city in the entire world, so that’s way it drags my attention because it covers my favorite place and my life passion. It is written by a Swedish fashion designer that is living the American dream on the big city, and trough her experiences and daily living, she reflects the trends, the events and in general what is happening in this two “places”.
The pictures, the design of the blog, the colors, and the way she writes in general make you feel connected and interested on catching on what’s new and her latest updates.

When I found this blog I was impressed by the images or pictures I saw on it, they were almost able to speak by transmitting a strong message. The colors, the use of light, the faces of the people or the places are pictured in their best moment. It’s a place that allows you to meet the Indian culture, specially their people, and their tradition in general, and some other moments of the life of its author Joshi Daniel that he considers as special or important.