Is economic retribution enough to motivate employees?
Motivation can be defined as the mix of internal and external elements that shows the energy and desire people has in order to improve something or to continue committed to their job, position, role or just with something special and important in their lives.
When we in our company are facing a motivation process towards an employee we should be aware that the economic factor isn´t the only one that matters and that can make a difference. For example, we can see a situation in which the employee isn´t motivated because he feels that he isn´t being treated in the correct way, because he doesn´t like his job or tasks, because he has personal problems, just to mention some. So in these cases, the economic retribution won’t make a notorious difference on the worker encouraging process.
Motivation. Retrieved on February 2011 from:
The annual parties, a bonus when there is a great development or result in the company, the employees’ recognition programs, among other can work for the situation in which the money isn´t the responsible for the lack of motivation.
Regardless what Smith and Taylor said in their theories human beings aren´t only interested on money, and as a result of these statement we are able to totally conclude that the economic retribution isn’t enough to motivate employees.
I agree that the economic factor is not the most important factor when motivating people as we saw in class we found out that for example in china people can be motivated when you tell them they are goint to in groups because they enjoy it but other other hand in the united states working alone motivates them, this is why before motiavting someone know their culture.