martes, 10 de mayo de 2011


On April 29th 2011, one of the most important and anticipated events of the year will take place on Westminster Abbey, London.  I´m talking about the royal wedding of Prince William and his long-time girlfriend Kate Middleton, which was announced at the end of last year…

“Kate and William” Retrieved on April 05, 2011 From:

Since the moment the engagement was announced on November 16th, 2010, the entire world focus its eyes on Great Britain future king and queen, what represents tangible impact on the British economy as well the tourism, political landscape and fashion world, a shown of this matter is the amount of souvenirs and object like mugs, china and stampedes that have been launched in the British streets.


“Kate and William mugs” Retrieved on April 05, 2011 from:

It is expected than more than a billion TV viewers will watch the wedding. A media competition begun since the engagement was announced, were the most important channels such as Discovery Channel and the BBC of London, just to mention some,  are willing to complete to be able to broadcast live and worldwide the event of the year, in a 24-hour special coverage.  

What has been happening since last year shows the importance of this organization worldwide, in different scenarios, regardless we are in 21th century. The relevance in my opinion of such an event is a demonstration of how big, “powerful”, regardless its mayor role is being the head of the Anglicans church among the commonwealth, and important is this monarchy worldwide, taking into account that we live in a “democratic” world, were just a little amount of places have their own queen and king, and if they do, is not worldwide issue or matter. Romanticism?????? Maybe…Let’s see what really will happen that day…

“The British Monarchy” Retrieved on April 05, 2011 from:

At the same time is about the way we as the people see and understand the British monarchy, because I consider that is one of the most important organizations worldwide, one of the oldest and powerful, taking into account that it is related with approximately each one and all the countries in europe, and maintain relation with almost the entire world, regardless their location, history, government, ideals, and culture; and it works just like what it really is: an ORGANIZATION

“The Royal Familiy” Retrieved on April 05, 2011 from:

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